Random Quote of the Day

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"Sorry, I don't speak bloggish."

is that a comment on todays education??

kristina l s's picture
Attention spans and ADD or ADDHDDHDsomething, rabbid lefties or is that righties or...progressive, um? conservative, um, and me only mid 30's. God what must the OLD folks think. What...who...me??!! Hell...pass the prozac. Kristina ps should there be a comma in todays? pps is a blog an Irish text?

Um, a Blog is Like an Irish Swamp, for sure?

Like a peat blog? Sorry, I was channeling my blonde persona.

But bloggish, is that Irish Yiddish? Sorry about that server, Erin. Maybe it's a good excuse to write somemore Bobby's Mountain?

Gees, I'm a pest. I'd better work on that Halloween story so I can get it out before Halloween.

Ghods if one of my computers ever turns chips up...

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa