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How to add Stories, Links, Blogs and other content to BigCloset TopShelf

Choose one of the following content types:

Blog - Keep a blog (web diary) of your thoughts and experiences. Just type it right in. You can use HTML to format, add links and even pictures if they are already on the web somewhere.

Fiction - With a Teaser for the front page, in the Body of the story; the Teaser ends at the <!--break--> tag. If you don't use the tag, the software will attempt to create a teaser for you. Paste plain text into the fields or use as much HTML as you want (mostly). Not recommended for pasting from MSWord or most other word processors unless the file has been saved as plain text and reopened. Text processors like notepad, textpad and textedit are good for preparing plain text.

Wysiwyg - Like above Fiction above but with a built-in Wysiwyg editor. Recommended for posting directly from MSWord prepared web pages but not highly.
You need permission from admin to access Wysiwyg because pasting badly formatted HTML into the window can bring down the site or mess it up so no one can read it.

Title Page - Those with author or editor accounts can use this choice to create a title page for a series or serialized story. Title pages help organize multi-part stories but if you don't create one for your series/serial, one of the editors is likely to do so. Linking parts of a series or serial to the title page is done by editors, anyway.

Weblink - Create a link to your favorite TG website so others can enjoy also. The Title of a Weblink should be the title of the website. Some HTML allowed.

Forum Topic - Logged in members can create Topics for the Forum. A topic then becomes the root post for a series of comments in a thread. HTML is allowed.

Poll - Members can create polls with questions and a list of possible answers to choose. Some HTML allowed. Polls may appear on the front page or only be accessed from the |Polls| tab in the top menu.

Story - New comments are turned off by default. Otherwise the same as Fiction. Most of the stories entered before April 19, 2005 were in this format. If you want to convert such a story to Fiction or Wysiwyg, ask the site admin in a private message. Same if you want new comments turned on.

Additional suggestions

erin's picture

It's probably not a good idea to use images on another server in the summary/teaser boxes; this can negatively impact other people's use and enjoyment of the site if the communication between the two servers is less than ideal.

I can set up a gallery on the BC/TS server for the use of anyone who would like to use images in stories but LARGE images in the teaser area are still not recommended. Please email or PM me to request such a gallery for your use. Gwen Lavyril's stories are currently using such a gallery.

Also, somewhere in the story, the name of the story and the name of the author probably should appear in text, not just in images. This last is just a suggestion, but some people download stories to read later and image based titles and bylines can disappear in the process.

- Erin

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Thanks Erin!

Thanks for the suggestions Erin, I think they will help.


Gwen Lavyril

She let herself go but not hi

She let herself go but not him. !
Very sad story but now he is now a she just be a better person and woman that her . Go forward make that new life of your own a better life.She still has a job and skills use them . There an old saying what go around comes around that type of person may have the money .But soon or later she will meet the sort of nasty guy that John was not because like attract like!

How to comment

I find it difficult to make a comment on any story because your site does not give a clue how. It says to log in but once in there is everything but what I need to know. I'm not even sure who will be reading this comment. If there is some easy way to comment I will gladly. I'm not sure I can do it otherwise. If Erin gets this please be a little more clear as how this site works. I may be stupid but I have had problems figuring out how any of it works. It is so complicataed I get frustrated. Sites like Crystals' or Fictionmania are pretty straight forward. Sorry, but I'm frustrated that I can't work this.


erin's picture

At the bottom of each story there is a link that says, "add new comment". Click on that link. This is pretty much how it works at all sites, though the wording may be different. It seems very straightforward to me, I'm not sure how I could change it to make it more so. :)

This is not hand-rolled software written specifically for BigCloset like Crystal's and FM. This is open source CMS used by hundreds of sites around the web. I can customize the look quite a bit but I'm not sure what would help in this case.

- Erin

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

To Julie O and fans of her work

I am currently working on a fan-fiction conctructed to one of her many works that are found on FictionMania and other sites. I am including many of her famous, or at least infamous, characters in the piece. If she is unwilling or unable to make one of her fabulous endings for this one piece. I will. My piece is pure love to her work and mystifing mind. It is the ending for her hatge filled introduction done in the short story "Photo Shoot." But, and I put this disclaimer here for those who love value and respect her work, I will not post this adventure in her universe and several other authors, if she but says no. I respect her to much to deny her and those that follow her work an opprotunity to stop my made and probably insane scheme to finish it in a respectable manner. Thank you Erin Halfelven for allowing this post and the story when it is finished.

May it be finished, if not then so be it.


Please help. I cannot see any

Please help. I cannot see any attachment to the Story 'The Window'. Am I having a problem with my browser for this Page. Will Arecee please look into the matter. I use mozilla firefox.


Arecee's The Window is Fixed

I have just finished walking Arecee through step by step in fixing his posting. His computer had a glitch and had to reboot when he was trying to post. It is fixed and The Window is not an attachment. It is Posted! Please enjoy!

Sephrena Miller

Thank you, Sephrena

erin's picture

For helping out Arecee. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.