Part 4 is up!

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So part 4 is up for those following the saga of the love struck succubus. Only one more episode to go!



shadowsblade's picture

This Drow knows something you missed!

And as far as Nuuan says...Kelly will be back soon!

Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective

Thing I never get with the Fey Myths....

MadTech01's picture

Cold hard Iron, burns them, so there blood is read?
would not there own blood burn them from within, since red blood means iron based Hemogloben.

And I know, don't drag logic into a myth fight! ;P

"Cortana is watching you!"

I tried...

to get some clarification on this subject over at the Whateley forums, What constitutes "Cold Iron"? Is it the percentage of iron in the metal? The way the iron is smelted or the machining process/how the iron is worked into its form? Many were saying wrought iron and cold iron are the same if not close to being the same. Some thought it would be similar to pig iron and some said it was iron that was worked into its form without heat, which would lead to some very crude items and make it impossible to form anything like a sword from it.

Having worked as a machinist for a number of years I can say that wrought iron and pig iron are very hard to find today outside of a smelting plant. Most wrought iron products created today are in reality a mild steel product.

Then yes you have the fact that there is iron in the blood stream and how can any creature be allergic to iron and still live?

The one thing I got from all the research I did on "Cold Iron" and the forums over at Whateley it seems the higher the refined metal the less it effects the fey. Which would lead one to assume logically that it's not the iron its self that "Burns" the fey but the combination and type of impurities found in lesser refined iron based metal. Since if it were the iron that effected the fey, the higher concentrations of iron in the more refined metals would have a greater effect upon them.

At least that's my take on how it would work :)

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

I have been to a historical blacksmith shop

MadTech01's picture

They took the mined iron ore, and literally smelted it at high heat in a fire till the iron crystals formed, then after they pulled them from the fire they heated the crystals till hot and used hammered them into an ingot, then it goes from there.
It takes so much energy to convert iron-ore to raw iron that is why they used to when moving from one home to another in the plains, they would burn down there house to get the iron nails out of it.

To my understanding almost all iron that was used b ancient man was meteoric-iron, basically almost nothing but Nicole/Iron Ore.
Still the most valuable form of iron in existence.

Today we have to much scrap steal it is easier (less time and energy needed) basically cheaper to use scrap iron and use an electric arc-forge to melt it back down at high heat to remove the alloy materials, then add them back to achieve the desiered steel-alloy. The iron ore hematite, 70% Fe ore, has been mined to non existence now. the iron ore we mine now is a much lower purity and as such not as economical to mine and smelt since the start of the industrial age that is.

"Cortana is watching you!"

there is this idea?

shadowsblade's picture

I just remembered this idea from a book serise I read.

Cold iron, and any iron had an affect on magic, it warped it badly and the older the iron or more like meteor iron or natural iron the worse it was. So in WA universe and other with cold iron hurts elves? That might be the magic that keeps the elf alive being warped out of the body or drained away?

Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective

There are some interesting times ahead...

for Kelly as her life was just beginning to become very intense for her when the brown smelly stuff hit the rotating air management system in my real life.

Now that I have coaxed my muse out from under the bed where she was hiding, we should see more updates all around :)

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

Does she need to anything to speed her recovery?

MadTech01's picture

Dark-Chocolate, Sweats, ice-cream, etc...

Be sure to give your muse regular breaks and recuperation time, real life is painful enough, when it hits the fan they can run for the hills.

"Cortana is watching you!"

Yes it took sometime to get mine back into working

after the surgery and the pain drugs they had me on before and after it took quite some time before my mind was clear enough to actually remember what my name was, little less actually write it :) Then getting use to being back and work and some changes made there that I have been less than enthusiastic about seemed to make life so that anytime I sat down at the computer to try to write I found myself falling asleep at the keyboard.

But it feels like I have hit another milestone in the recovery and here's to hoping it remains :)

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.