Sometimes "Just Do It" Isn't Enough

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I think everyone here's seen just how dead my writing, or even reading on the site has been of late. I could make excuses, but there's really only one reason behind it all: I just can't seem to make myself do it.

PFH? 1/3 done. Phoenix Soars? 2/3. I have various other projects hovering between 1/4 and 3/4 done, and plans for oh so many more, but it seems like if I manage 500 words in a month any more I've pushed myself hard. It's just... ugh.

Not that I haven't been creative in the meantime, mind. The last year or so I've been playing with a lot of music creation software, and I have about 27 tracks on SoundCloud I'm fairly proud of. But that isn't writing, is it? It's a creative outlet, but it's one I have even less of a chance of success with than my stories, which, let's face it, are hardly good enough I'll ever make a living off what I write, especially with my lack of drive/discipline.

Ah, well.

I'll have more when I can. In the meantime, sorry I suck so much, and thanks to everyone here for continuing to provide the best community online :)

Melanie E.


Don't worry yourself

It happens to all of us (Well most of us. People like Angharad excepted)
I sometimes go several months without writing a line of a new story. I do some editing and that's is.
Creating music is as you say an outlet. It matters not that you are any good at it. If you are enjoying yourself then what's wrong with that? IMHO, nothing.

And you don't 'suck' as you put it.


dawnfyre's picture

I keep getting distracted when I try to actually write.

if I could just think and have it get recorded I could easily get stories done, but every time my muse starts running with an idea she runs away if I try to record it.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.


In general, creativity cannot be forced. The best we can do is attempt to entice the monster out each day. Yeah I say monster, 'cause when creativity hits it is often after I've headed off to bed because I still have to keep my day job to keep the wolf at bay.