C. Sprite

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The rest of Texas Gal is here:



Texas Gal

congratulations c Sprite on your story of Texas Gal is enjoyable reading and hope that there are more story of Texas Gal
regards bazza


I can't go home like this

Alecia Snowfall's picture

has something happened? the series I can't go home like this has never been finished, we all still wait to find out what becomes of Crystal Ramsey.

quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall

Texas Gal

With Story Site down / gone I can't find C Sprite's Texas Gal I need to fix some corrupted files Chapter 1 through 10 are bad on my hard drives. Does anyone have them and could you please email them to me?

Thank you,
Chris W
[email protected]



erin's picture

Storysite, at least the version of it we are custodians of, should be back up by the weekend or early next week. We're physically moving the server it's on which is why it is down at the moment.

BTW, this month is the 20th Anniversary of Storysite, too. :) Crystal and I initiated our respective attempts to rescue an online TG fiction presence within a week of each other.

Don't think of Storysite not being updated anymore as a failure, it isn't. Crystal just moved on to other opportunities.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.