CleoK's blog

Sketchy TG/AR - To post or not to post, that is the question

I've not posted a new story in awhile. It doesn't mean I've
stopped writing. It just means my writing's grown more and
more into the gray area of TG/AR. I think we've had this sort
of conversation on TG sites again and again and often times
the opinions and comments are the same. "Freedom of speech"
comes up, or someone might mention the book and movie "Lolita"
as reasonable excuses for TG/AR to creep into the creepy.

It's a TG story dying to be written though but nobody seems
brave enough to post it. I certainly can't post mine without

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Writing again

I'm gradually getting back into story writing. Huge story in the works which sort of revolves around a topic Eric posted on a few weeks back about liking TG stories where someone is made a copy of someone else and the wrong twin swaps back. The idea intrigued me so I started writing a story about that.

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Time out of phase

Not sure when I'll post (repost technically) the next chapters of "Ju-Ju Box." I'm in a weird phase of life where I'm trying to overcome long term alcohol addiction while at the same time getting balance in everything I do. Such as gaming. I had a huge problem playing way too many video games a few years ago.

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The Mary McCoy

I don't even know anymore. I guess I'm a chronic alcoholic because last night I woke up about 1:30 in the morning not even remembering I had drank a single drink. I woke up looking at the clock and going "oh god... if I don't set my alarm I'm going to be late for work." And so I woe and set my alarm and set out all my clothes and all that and then, well... I had weird dreams.

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