Catherine Linda Michel's blog

A Whately question.

Being the computer dummy I am, I've been searching for the Whately story(ies) about the Halloween invasion in which Cat McQuisten was killed. I have had NO luck, since I don't know the author nor the story title(s).

A little help please in the form of a link? Thanks folks.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Something weird.

When I go to read comments/blogs, the background changes to a dark purple with black printing except for the items one can click on showing as bright blue.

It's very hard to read and look at. Is it me or is it a change in the appearance of the background and stuff? Usually the background is white with black print.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Girlzilla. I'm gonna do something I don't usually do.

If you haven't yet read this story, you are missing something beautiful and wonderful.

Ricky has crafted a rare flower, filled with great characters and tender humor among some people who truly care for and about one another. You will laugh, you'll cry, you'll get angry and you'll wonder why people can't be like these folks in real life.

Go read it. Go experience it. With this story, IMHO, Ricky has inserted himself into the rarified air of really good authors. I loved it, even though I didn't think I would, judging from the title.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Yes, it's me again, begging for help. Please read!

So here we are, at the middle, well almost the middle, of December and once again I'm appealing to all of you to open your hearts and wallets (purses) to help pay some of the bills that Top Shelf generates.

I've been taken to task for my admittedly flowery language when pleading for monetary assistance to help keep the site somewhat solvent and I won't apologize for the language I use, nor for the endless appeals. The way I write is the way I write.

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Everyone please read. So here we are again

at the end of another month And Erin is still having to BEG for sufficient funds to keep the doors open.

I've done all _I_ can do to help her and so have a lot of others for whom effusive thanks will never be enough.

It comes down to all of the rest of us to do our best to alleviate this never ending shortfall that causes ulcers and other stress caused ailments that plague Erin, Piper et all.


Lilith Langtree's Retcon Universe

Okay. First of all this is NOT a complaint. That said, It is a plea to all the authors who contributed their remarkable talents to a marvelous universe of great stories.

So many of the tales there lay unsettled and incomplete. I completely understand running out of ideas of writing oneself into a corner, having been there myself, more times than I care to admit, but I'm not talking here about endings to all those wonderfully inventive stories. Just bringing them to a logical resting place so that the plots that were still ongoing could be brought to a close.

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Top Shelf needs YOUR help! PLEASE READ!

The site and Erin really need your help. I just sent in 25 bucks and will probably send a few more after my own bills are paid for this month.

While Erin and the site really appreciate all the help many of you have given in the past, but things are not getting better financially. Erin has driven herself into debt so far that there seems to be no way out. The site needs a LOT of money to give us this wonderful resource and repository for our stories and blogs.

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Title changes to Transformers (Sort Of)

Due to a conversation I had with Erin, and deciding to publish the story, we decided that the original title COULD, MIGHT lead to some copyright we brainstormed some new titles up and decided on SUITED FOR ADVENTURE for book 1 and SUITED FOR DANGER for book 2

So I did some fancy editing (well, fancy for my limited computer knowledge) and all the chapter titles and the main title have been changed to the new titles.

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Two incomplete stories of mine are under construction.

Luck Be A Lady and Transformers are being worked on right now! I had a brainstorm last week, actually about the same time that hurricane swamped Florida! Hmmm. Coincidence?

Anyhoo, I have already begun work on both stories, having figured out how to not only complete them, but also to tie them in together!


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Some exciting news. Well I hope so anyway.

Well, it's been a loooong time since I've revisited this story, but today, a thought went through my mind. Yes, I know. The thought had a short, lonely time going through my mind.

Anyway, I think I might have come up with a way to not only finish the story, but a way to possibly tie it into Luck Be A Lady!

Ambitious? You betcha, but It's bothered me for a long time that I left those stories just kinda dangling there. So! I've already begun a first draft of a continuation of Transformers Sort Of and will be working on tying it in to Luck Be A Lady.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Extreme frustration is setting in rapidly!

I ordered some underwear from an online site. Please don't take me to task for that, okay? The package arrived after many days and all was as ordered...except.

Their ad stated that their bras run small and they advise people who order them, to order them two full strap/band sizes larger than they usually wear, a good thing as it turns out.

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Gators, snakes and bayou critters! Yikes!

These critters are affected by this terrible flooding from Hurricane Harvey also. I've heard on the news that Alligators, snakes and other bayou critters have been flooded out of their normal haunts and are swimming around in the city STREETS. Yet another danger to those attempting to help and those fleeing from the floodwaters. I did hear that an alligator preserve was nearly flooded out and workers there were very much concerned that the flood waters would breach the wire fences that keep the gators penned in. Just one more reason not to drive or walk in flooded areas.

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Spare a good thought for Texas.

The whole state is going through hell from this hurricane. Send out all the good thoughts, prayers, and good vibes for our friends in the Lone Star State and ones for their furry companions as well.

There have been literally thousands of water rescues in the last two days and more to come. I hope and pray that all our friends and everyone else will come out of this disaster in good shape.

Hang tough like Texans do, folks. We're all thinking and praying for you.

Catherine Linda Michel


R.I.P June Foray.

June Foray, the voice of many cartoon characters including The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, has passed away at the age of 99, just two months short of her 100th Birthday.

She brought a lot of laughs and fun to a lot of people, adults and kids alike and will truly be missed.

God Bless and keep you, June Foray. You will be missed and thank you for all you gave us.

Catherine Linda Michel

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NonTG but Important Info for Veterans

I have been made aware that there is a program available for veterans whose income is very low. If you served during a time of conflict, and your income is below 1000 dollars a month,you can get financial help from the V.A. to bring it to that level. IF you are also disabled or unable to get out easily, there is another program called "Housebound" which can raise your income level considerably higher, and assistance to get things like blood pressure monitors, air conditioners, oxygen equipment and other necessities to help make your life a bit easier.

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I will probably be going offline... maybe. NEWS!

NEWS! The volume prob seems to have corrected itself... or I fixed it... well anyway, it no longer is giving me probs... knock on wood. So, I can delay the other problems for a bit longer... at least until my financial situation is a bit better.

Due to computer probs and outdated machine (my Mac) and a volume prob with the newer PC, both will be going in to the shop for work probably Monday or Tuesday.

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It's criminal that Erin has to beg

every damned month for help in keeping Top Shelf open and running smoothly! It pisses me off more than I can say and it frustrates me beyond anything else in my life and it hurts me that, because of a lsck of funds, Erin is reduced to not paying people that NEED to be paid and has bankrupted herself in the process of providing us with this wonderful place!

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I wish I had the words about Waking The Dreamer by Grover

that could possibly explain how good this story is, but I don't think I really do. Oh, I could say it's a great, spine tingling tale of the supernatural and action. I could say it's a study in spiritual awakening or that it's a tale of sacrifice and loss/gain, but none of that tells the true, complete meaning behind this tale.

I guess the best way to try to explain my way out of this is to simply say that if you miss out on this one, you'll never experience the genius behind it's telling.

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70 Today!!!!!

Wow! As my old idol Mickey Mantle said, "If I'd known I was gonna live this long, I'da taken better care of myself."

Yep. April 15th. The date Lincoln died, the date the Titanic sank, Tax Day. Does that tell ya anything about the way my life has been? LOL. Frankly, the way my luck goes, if I inherited 400 acres of pumpkins, some ratsass would cancel Halloween!


The online seriel "WORM"

A few weeks ago... or so, someone pointed me via a blog entry, to this online seriel "Worm."

Whoever this was, I have alternately thanked and cursed you. The story is VERY well written and it's also VERY graphic, pulling no punches when it comes to violence. It's compelling and seemingly never-ending. I've read myself into a stupor, trying to reach an end that never seems to come, and yet... I cannot stop reading this damned story!

I'll include a url to access the story, but if you're not a superhero story fan, you'll probably not enjoy it very much. It's also not TG.


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Hey! It's Beverly Taff's Birthday!

I'm certain that she's out, dancing and celebrating. God Bless ya my dear friend.(even if you don't believe in him)

According to the old saying: "Only the good die young." I calculate that you're gonna be around for a looooooong time. LOL



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So you wanna be a writer. Some advice from a professional.

What follows is an interview with a very successful writer, Richard S. Prather, who sold 36 books and 4 under pseudonyms. His genre wasn't TG Fiction, but detective stories with a popular hero named Shell Scott. I've pasted the whole interview here, so ignore the parts that don't have much to do with writing and publishing your work, but DO pay attention to how he says he plotted and wrote what he wrote and how he wrote it.

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