An update from me

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Well, I just wanted to pass along an update on a few things.

First, my mom's car is continuing to have problems, so for the moment we're down to just my car. The repair shop said last night that she would be given a rental if they cant get the car fixed today, so one way or the other, mom will have a way to work on Sunday - or so I hope ...

Secondly, I just completed a "Firefly" marathon including the movie, and I now have to officially declare myself a "Browncoat" ...

And Thirdly, but by no means least important, I am in serious manic mode at the moment, the likes of which I can't remember having in a very, very long time. How manic? Well, I haven't slept since I woke up Thursday at noon, and I don't even feel tired ...

Ah, well. Life will carry on.



If you need something to tie you down I suggest a Castle marathon


you dont talk about that in public!

Besides, you're the one who can scratch her itch, now that there's nothing in the way.
