Headlights Girl is available at MANY places!

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To my utter amazement, my book, Headlights Girl, is available not only at Lulu, Amazon and Barnes and Noble, but also at Tower.com, Abe Books, Loot.co.za, Itunes, Alibris.com, booktopia.co.au, Nook even! Here's where I found all this info:


Now I don't even know who or what some of those sites/places are, but it's nice to know that my book is out there and available all over the place. I wonder though, if Top Shelf and I are receiving any proceeds from those other places/sites? Since I know next to nothing when it comes to this sort of thing, I can only hope, right?

For everyone here who has read Headlights Girl and either bought it, read it, or whatever and commented on it, my most heartfelt thanks, and above all, great big thanks and hugs to Erin, without whom the book never would have happened.

Catherine Linda MIchel


H Girl

Catherine I bought it at Amazon even though I have read it here several times. I like kindle and I have many authors works from here on kindle also. Thanks!
