R I P Stanman

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I had a little interaction with Stanman over the past years & he and I had some laughs about the post from EOF about the mmorfg or what ever you call the interactive games you play on the internet .
I saw the post about him missing in action but did not get upset because of the FM forums . I came on line today and saw the post fomr Katie and the tears just fell like a flood from heaven.
This is very scary the amount of our sisters taht have died. The story welcome to Heaven comes to mind , who knew it would be such a popular story and that Bob would be so busy .R I P BIG MAN now be the little girl you want to be.

I hope his end was fast & painless still crying RICHIE2

P.S. I hope those on FB feel guilt the way he was treated



May the eternal lights greate you with the grace that was owed here on earth
but was never granted

May your hearts desire come true

peace at last from the riggers and trails of every day worry

go with grace and say hi to bob .

you will be missed.

Rest in peace, Stan

He may not always have said the right things, but he always had the good grace to leave a comment on mine and many other's posts.

May I take this opportunity to offer my condolences to his friends and family.

He will be missed.



Stan's comments

were always positive for me and many others. He seemed to read every posting here and had an incredible amount of information to offer. He'll be missed.


Just a note and a goodbye

erin's picture

I did a count and Stan left 20066 comments on BC, six hundred more than the next three active commenters added together. The overwhelming majority of those comments were intended as encouragement to authors. This is not counting the comments that were removed for various reasons, including those where Stan severely misunderstood an author's intentions and said something laughingly or embarrassingly absurd, even things that could be thought insensitive or insulting.

And he made comments on other sites too, and not just TG sites. Stan's life was on the internet and people from Brisbane to Berlin knew and recognized Stan's enthusiasm and caring.

He had problems. Some people concentrated on his failings and thought ill of him. Many of those people believed that they had good and sufficient reason to feel that way. But Stan strove for a true Christian outlook on life; he believed in forgiving everyone as many times as it took regardless of what was said to him or about him. Not many of us even try for that sort of unconditional generosity.

So, if you've been offended by Stan, if you've been upset by Stan, if you were afraid of Stan for whatever reason -- let those things be buried with the man who certainly contained enough contradictions for ten whole seasons worth of Star Trek plots. Pretty much like most of us. Let offense, fear and anger be buried and let the good parts of memories of Stan live on.

His enthusiasm, his generosity, his forgiveness and his indefatigable effort to promote and encourage writers of TG fiction can be his monument. The rest can be forgotten and buried with his body and his outsize heart.

Stan believed in God and the love of Jesus Christ and if Faith counts for anything in this mixed-up, muddled-up, shook-up world, Stan is where he wants to be now. Or perhaps, who he wants to be.

Goodbye, Stanman, we knew you all too short a time it turns out.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


Very eloquently said, Erin. The numbers stagger the mind. Thanks for this additional bit of insight into Stan's character. I for one had no idea of the impact Stan had on BC.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

And don't forget Stardust

I dropped by over there while BC was down earlier and noticed a lot of the front page was either Stan's stories or Stan posting Gaby for Maddy. And just like here, a lot of the stories had a comment from Stan. I really think it's impossible to measure the total impact Stan had on this community.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Still upset need to add

I need to add that Stan was only 50 and had a birthday coming up in I think he said August .I told him he was a mere child.
We have lost so many of our members this year that it is scary & those are only the ones we know about.
The thing that is a shame is how we find out how many of us Loved & respected Stan wether we agreed with him or not. I once ask how it was that he was always first with the comments to wich he answered with 2 words "speed Read" .
I am still in shock about the news
Very upset :-( Richie2

First time back...

After catching an actual break in the action flick my life has turned into recently and suddenly this. I'm not really sure what to say here, but I do feel I need to say something, as Stan was one of a hand full of supporters I had with my first attempt at creating a story. I tried to get to know him better, in that awkward I'm-still-brand-new-here kind of way... and it didn't get all that far. And now it's too late, regretfully.

But thank you Stan. You refused to be defined by your faults and shortcomings. That, more than anything (I think), speaks to the character of who you were in life and who you are and will be in our hearts and memories. Even more than that, though, it should serve as an inspiration for us, an ideal to work towards. I know it has for me.

So long, Stan, and thank you for everything.

Peace be with you and Blessed be

Too damn young

I didn't realize how young he was. I was shocked at the news. I just had an older cousin pass on, and it was quite a shock. This isn't a personal, but still sad.

Da Man

Sadarsa's picture

Stan.. man o man... Stan..

That guy was 3 kinds of crazy, and we all knew it. I've read many stories here in BCTS and i don't think i've come across a single one that Stan didn't at least comment once on. Even if 1/2 of them left you scratching your head or laughing, wondering what he was smoking.

We spent one night talking about a Dyson Sphere. He was smarter than he seemed, and packed with creativity. Just read some of his many many short stories, and you can see how creative he was... Not exactly an english teacher.. but who is?

But no matter how wacky he was, he was a good guy who was always right there ready and willing to help.

Will he be missed? You're damn straight he'll be.

~Your only Limitation is your Imagination~

Hate to say it.

I'm just waiting. Waiting for him to reply to all these messages.

Stanman, my take

This was posted on another blog lineage about Stan, but I so thought it appropriate to be posted here. It is not copyrighted but it anyone uses a part or all elsewhere, all I ask is that you give credit where credit is due, as I did with the quote in line 9. Stan was a one of a kind, and the many tributes given him here on BCTS at various places is all the testimony needed. R I P Stan

As I stop and think about StanMan, my tears begin heavily to flow.
As I stop and think about StanMan, I realize more and more just how little I knew about him.
As I stop and think about StanMan, I realize more and more just how much I knew about him.
As I stop and think about StanMan, I realize more and more the positive effect he had on all of us.
As I stop and think about StanMan, I realize more and more what he meant to all of us, even though we so seldom told him so.
As I stop and think about StanMan, for those of us who knew him only through his comments,
As I stop and think about Stanman, for those who knew him personally,
I can only pray that somewhere, there is a future tombstone from someone, whose epitaph reads only,
"I hope I will be remembered like Stan."*
As I stop and think about Stanman,, amid my tears, I realize once again how short this life is, and how unexpected a death can be.
As I stop and think about Stanman, and what I have just written, my tears continue to flow.

May your soul rest in peace, Stanman, and may your stories bring joy to all who read them, where ever, any time.

*This is a quote from another remembrance about Stan Morton, AKA StanMan. I do not remember the post, nor the writer, and I ask forgiveness for quoting it without the proper recognition. If you are the author of that post, and you would like to be properly recognized, please feel free to reply to this post, and include your name, and a link if possible to your post or directions to where it may be found. Thank you in advance, even though it was plagarized, for the quote.

I wish the tears would stop!

Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?

Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm

So sad

I haven't posted here in a few years, but I had to log in and post when I read this. The one thing I could always count on when posting a new page of my story was a comment from Stan. If I ever decide to finish it, the comments section is going to feel so empty without them. Rest in peace Stan, you'll be missed.

Rest in Peace my friend

I hadn't realised that Stanman had passed away, this is very sad - he was always a very positive and supportive person. He will be greatly missed. Fly Free Stan

The nature of Monkey is - Irrepressible!!!

RIP Stanman

I was always amazed how he seemed to have commented on every story I've ever posted or read here. Sure some of the comments were a little difficult to understand, but I'll still miss them. Condolences to his family. Rest in Peace, Stan.

Stan, your family at BC will miss yoou.

I'll miss him, so I might add a character to my story, as a memorial to him. He always commented on my posts... and I hope I'll be half the writer he was.

TGSine --958