The Date For My Book Signing Is Set!

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I just got off the phone with the Waldenbooks store manager. Between us we have set the date for the signing! It will be May 31st, which is a Saturday afternoon, from 2-4PM. See my previous blog entries for the location. All advertising has to be done by me, including some kind of poster they can hang in their window, explaining what, when, and where.

I am pretty helpless at advertising things, much less at coming up with a poster, so any and all help would be appreciated. I need to have the poster finished by no later than the 24th. I will, of course, foot all bills arising from getting the poster printed. What I'd like is for some of you who have artistic talents, to submit your ideas and designs of what you think this poster should look like. I was not given a size requirement for the poster, but I would think that a standard size exists, I don't know.

The winning submission will receive a signed copy of my book. If I have received no designs by the 18th, I will have to go with some kind of standard design, but I would rather that some of you were involved in this signing.

Erin, if not for you, this would never be happening for me. Thank you SO much for all your work, your trust, and your belief in me.

Everyone, follow my lead. Pick your best story...get hold of Erin, and GET PUBLISHED!!

Wish me luck, ladies!
Catherine Linda Michel


Poster, huh?

erin's picture

I'll see what I can do. :) Maybe the book cover? Great news, btw. :)

- Erin

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Cathy, Try This

If Erin will let you, use the picture of those shoes and a collage of your pictures and perhaps the pictures of the many different story avatars such has that of A Mother's Love, Camp Kumoni, and others.
May Your Light Forever Shine

May Your Light Forever Shine


I wouldn't know where to start with a poster but you have my best wishes!

My best to you

That is great news! I am still hoping to get something of mine published some day -- looking for some inexpensive way to get my work edited and how to get it self-published.

When it is ready, it will be offered to Erin free of charge to use on the internet and gain profit from any hard copies she may be able to sell. If it wasn't for her, I probably would not be writing.

Billie Sue

Billie Sue