The River is backed up

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It's been another gap between chapters in the River saga. I see that some of my fans are getting worried. You can relax. There is one chapter half written, and I hope to finish it this weekend. On Wednesday next week I will officially be a retired person, and can focus on my story. River will try to get back to a weekly schedule, and I have a couple other stories on my hard disk that might be completed as singles or short chapters.

Sorry for not getting anything out to you for a while, but real life has been throwing up obstacles.

Here's a teaser for you. In Chapter 21 (the one after the next) I will be introducing a brand new character, and I think you will all like her as much as all the people of the river do.




Beoca's picture

When you say "like her as much as the people of the river do", does that mean we'll love the new character, or does it mean we will collectively hate the newcomer's guts?


I'm sure you will love her.