Simple question about BC

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Okay, this may seem like a silly question.

I often go into my user profile to click TRACK to see if any new comments have been made on my stories, stories I have commented on, or blogs I have commented on too.

Today, like on other occasions, I see in red 'Updated' and no new activity in that story or blog in the way of comments.

When there is no activity as in new comments or edits I have made to a story I have written and I see a red 'Updated,' what was updated?

For example, I saw it on my Wonder, Woman? story.



Many Things can cause "Updated".

Piper's picture

The "updated" tag generally doesn't have to do with comments, but instead has to do with the "content" itself. It could be someone (moderator, editor, admin, or author) updating a story, or even just marking it as a solo instead of 'Fanfic, Series, Verse or Drable' , or changing the "ongoing serial" tag and marking it "complete", or even changing the outlining I think can mark it as updated.


"She was like a butterfly, full of color and vibrancy when she chose to open her wings, yet hardly visible when she closed them."
— Geraldine Brooks

That makes sense

AuPreviner's picture

Thank you for the explanation. I just knew I hadn’t edited my story and I couldn’t understand why it had been updated.

I was thinking maybe it was the Varnish server updating the cached version.


"Love is like linens; after changed the sweeter." – John Fletcher (1579–1625)

Also Updated

Daphne Xu's picture

I think that a story is also updated when it goes off the front (Home) page.

-- Daphne Xu

Do not quote me on this

As I have not actually authored anything yet so I can't be certain. I too like to use the Track function from my Account page. But, what I think I have figured out is the red updated you mention is an indicator the post in question has moved off the "front page" so to speak. So it's a system update to a new page(URL) for the post in question.

I'm sure someone who knows will come along and put us straight soon enough. :-)

[edit] HA! And Piper has beat me to the punch!

- Leona

Prime example

Sammi's picture

Leona has given a prime example of a reason for the red 'Updated'

[edit] HA! And Piper has beat me to the punch!

An edited comment I would think may count in tracking as new, though it may not have the red 'NEW' on the comment as the comment has been edited.

"REMEMBER, No matter where you go, There you are."

Sammi xxx

Re: Prime example

Actually, I've edited many of my comments when I thought of something I missed or hadn't said, and each time I've done that, it bumps the comment into the most recent slot as if it were a brand new one, even if it doesn't show the "new" tag.

So yes, this is a good example of why one might see "Updated".