Tornado missed me

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It was a mile south of me. Killed one, several injured, destroyed a power sub station. Elk City was without electricity. Total blackout yesterday and last night. All critical services were running on emergency generators. This particular monster started over near Shamrock Texas and came our way. Impossible to see by the storm watchers as it was wrapped in rain most of the time, leaving a debris path in its wake.

One can hear those monsters coming if you know what to listen for. There is so much high velocity wind in them they sound like a B-52. A real heavy constant roar. People used to say they sounded like a freight train but then it was the only thing they had to compare to at the time. Have no idea how many I have seen from a half mile to a mile away? Dozens? Even experienced being under one and survived. God loves us.

Lots of hail from dime size to golf ball size here. Wheat took a hickey of course. Still better than others who had their vehicles, houses, roofs, windows, windshields destroyed by grapefruit size hail. The hail track was approx six to eight miles wide. Started out near Shamrock and pummeled everyone and everything from there to past Clinton, Oklahoma. If the tornado doesn't drown out the incoming hail sound, one can hear those grapefruit size suckers coming approx two or three seconds before the impact. And yes I'm speaking from first hand experience.

My electricity went off about four yesterday and came back on about ten minutes ago. I'm on a different electrical supplier than Elk City. The lady at the office told me it might be a week before I was back online as over one hundred of their power polls had been snapped off or downed. Twenty five hours later and I'm back up.

Oklahoma has the most up to date latest high tech radar systems in the world. The news was tracking that monster mile by mile despite it being inside a rain squall. They were reporting on when it was sucking up debris, when it was off the ground, when it was back down, how wide it was, how much wind velocity it had to it along with exactly were it was. They were also reporting the hail size and density along with the tornado.

When it was five miles from me I got in the pickup and drove north. Those things can shift direction in a heartbeat. As its path was a mile to the south of me that was too close to be standing in the field watching. And hell yeah, a car or pickup can outrun them. I watched this one from the comfort of a pickup seat.

Tune in tomorrow night for another As the World Turns soap opera in the Fly Over States. We are on the schedule for another round then. God, I love western Oklahoma! But then I'm insane. It helps.

Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out. And if it ain't working fer yuh poke it with a stick, see if it changes.



Daphne Xu's picture


-- Daphne Xu

You're crazy to love Oklahoma.

I have to say that. It's one of the residency requirements in your big southern neighbor state.

Glad you're ok. The radar looked nasty last night and the NWS hail warnings were blunt: "unprotected people and animals will be injured."


littlerocksilver's picture

That mess is approaching us. Glad you're okay.


glad you're okay

we've only had one tornado in Edmonton, and it was all kinds of no fun.


Elk City Tornado on Youtube

BarbieLee's picture

Dozen or more videos on Youtube showing the tornado and damage path. Go over to youtube put in Elk City Tornado in the search engine and a bunch of videos will pop up. Take your pick. Or here is a start.

Never be afraid to live life as it comes. I had nothing when I came in and I'll leave with nothing but the love of family and friends. No one has been more blessed.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Three tornadoes on the ground now

BarbieLee's picture

One can see these things on our states live stream video. Two south of me, one north of me.
There is also channel 4 OKC and channel 5 OKC streaming weather live if one wishes to check.

Gotta love western Oklahoma
everyone do NOT get complacent if you get close to one of these things. they are killers. stay smart, stay safe

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Last several years

Have been pretty strange, weather-wise, but it looks like things are getting back to normal. I used to chase for one of the OKC stations, and the last few years have been rough, seeing that they only pay out if they air your videos. I said to hell with it, I'm getting too old for it.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Tornado Chasers

BarbieLee's picture

You people have to be some of the bravest people in the world to follow and get close enough to tell the rest of us hanging on your words where, what, when, it has turned into a killer. When I was a kid, daddy took us up north of Cheyenne to look at the damage. It had pulled up a hundred foot wide swath of pavement out of the highway. Destroyed a house, car was a ball of metal, tractor was polished steel, all paint gone. Father, mother, daughter carried out several miles, dead. The son was found a mile and half from the house unconscious but alive. First time but not the last I have seen the destruction these monsters can cause. Back then we had to guess if a tornado was in one of those storm clouds. Now with doppler radar they can tell us exactly mile by mile where it is and if it is on the ground or not.

The three formed today in minutes of the front suddenly building. Just as quickly they pulled back up and the evening was spent with nothing more than serious cloud rotations and possible tornado inducing hooks but no tornadoes back on the ground. All I received was tons of pea sized hail and torrential rain. Wheat took another hickey. Count loss and damage tomorrow.

Thank you for keeping us safe and your well deserved retirement from such a hazardous profession.
I'm going to bed. The last two days has been typically Oklahoma interesting.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Gotta love western Oklahoma

Not just western Oklahoma. My father lived the last dozen years of his life in Tulsa, and they get their share of weather, too. Tornadoes, hail, ice storms, etc. I'll stay in California where we only have fires and earthquakes.

Do it again!

Looks like Mother Nature is taking another shot. Hope you and yours are safe and secure.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

So glad you're safe

gillian1968's picture

I grew up in northeastern Oklahoma and remember watching out for a few storms before the radar got this good.

I'm in Amarillo now, and I caught the news about this one.

Gillian Cairns

Im there too

Sadarsa's picture

or at least in the Amarillo area...Live a bit north of there.
Had a system roll through the other day, could be the same one, set off the alarms when i went out to look... it was dead quiet... then i looked straight up... a huge rotation just on top of my house, luckily it didnt come down on top of me. But the system did move north into oklahoma, so it's probablly the same one.

~Your only Limitation is your Imagination~

Nature : OK weather Cali's fire and earthquakes

Glad you got trough that big one. Now the next one > season isn't yet finished you all.

Seriously trying to convince the wife to move to Eastern Washington. Seems to be the only 'normal' (for an european) place weatherwise in all the US of A.



the wife and kids were moving back to kansas in 1976 when the little old lady told her why move back to kansas and she told her that we did not have earth quakes and she said she felt them in san francisco. a short time later there was a tornado in long beach california.