Paranormal org debuts daft theory

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A paranormal organisation who have managed to pick up thousands of online followers (Spiritual Research Foundation) have debuted their own daft theory on the predominant cause of homosexuality - posession by ghosts and "subtle-sorcerers" from hell. They apparently believe most gay men are possessed by female ghosts, and lesbian women possessed by male ghosts (!).

It sounds completely bonkers, but given they have thousands of online followers, it's likely there are actually people out there who believe this nonsense (perhaps those who are also inclined to believe that natural disasters are caused by increasing secularisation of society?).

It was originally reported in Scotland's The Daily Record (who perhaps sensibly have now deleted the article), but it also gets a mention in Pink News.

In a comment on my FB share of the article, an article from the SSRF itself turned up, where a lesbian and trans-man started dating, then after being put in contact with the SSRF, discovered he was possessed by a "subtle-sorcerer (māntrik) from the 4th region of hell" and she was possessed by a "subtle-sorcerer (māntrik) from the 2nd region of hell". The (ex-)lesbian claims that by chanting and meditation, she successfully turned herself straight and is now happily married to a man.

Oh, and incidentally, their home page is trailing this heartening piece of "news" (among articles on "The Personality Defect Removal Process" [which includes ego removal and seems to involve downloading a spreadsheet], "Is Killing a Sin", "The birth of Divine Children in preparation for a new era", "Why one should not sleep with feet facing south" and "Effect of past lives on one's personality"):

"Higher level Saints in India have predicted that World War 3 is imminent and that it will be devastating for life on Earth. About half the world’s population will perish due to war and natural disasters. In order to survive and sustain ourselves through these times and due to a lack of medical aid SSRF is publishing a survival guide for humanity."


This is like

Angharad's picture

the cause of transsexualism being through reincarnation and being unable to let go ones previous sex. Mind you compared to the ideas of John Money, it makes some sense.

I have a confession, I'm possessed by two demons, Bonzi and Whizz and you've met both of them. They're currently fast asleep so it's safe for me cast nasturtiums.



... Well, at least with this out in the open, you can spot the squirrel-bait.


are respectable, cheerful creatures that do good work maintaining mid-growth scrub and forests, take care of their kids, and never force their belief structures on other creatures, being both highly conservative and very shy. Don't drag them into view of these drooling moon-children, please.


No Squirrels

Squirrels are just rats with furry tales and good PR. My cat was a great squirrel hunter, I know because he kept bringing them home. One time he actually had a live squirrel, the head was in his mouth and the body was flailing around like crazy. They knew him, every time I let him out the squirrel telegraph would go nuts.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin


Don't be dissing us.


The world is getting goofier and loonier (not real words, but you get the idea).

Of course, look who we just elected!

Red MacDonald

Y'know, this isn't any more

Y'know, this isn't any more daft than those folks that are part of the Flat Earth Society, or the ones that keep preaching a popular Christian sect, despite the fact that one of the major tenets is that most of them won't make it to Heaven. How about that eating (insert food of your choice) is a sin, and can have you damned. Guns cause crime. Ice cream causes burglaries. Mass murderers are caused by video games (Like Pong.) Teaching sex-ed in school causes promiscuity. I'll respect you in the morning.

There are lots of silly things out there that groups of people believe in, that don't harm anyone else. We just need to watch out for the ones that _will_ harm someone else.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.


I think that should have been ". . . this is just as daft as . . . " I can add another group of loonies (that term is highly ironic). The ones that don't believe in spaceflight at all. The rockets we launch land somewhere out of sight, that's how NASA can pull off the scam. Since the rockets return to the ground we see the same rocket over and over, the money supposedly used to build rockets goes to the scammers. It's a vast conspiracy. Oh, weather satellites don't exist and the photos they take are fakes. That's why weather forecasting is so bad.

It's amazing what you can find on youtube.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Watch Weird Al Yankovic's

Watch Weird Al Yankovic's "Aluminum Foil"

I don't have a problem believing in long term conspiracies. I just don't think that the "Government" itself is the source. Bureaucrats are unwilling to take any chances (thus the constant passing the buck when you try to contact them), and those that are, are pretty darned incompetent. "Government Secret" is mostly an oxymoron. You know that no-knock raids with wrong addresses are designed specifically to take out those who are a threat to the MAN, right? *wink*

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.


Don't forget Chem trails and HAARP.

And to think all those contrails from airplanes are actually "the man" spraying chemicals for some nefariousness!

FEMA internment camps, 9/11 was an inside job, fluoridated water and Vaccines give your children autism.

Not sure if I missed any of the major theories...

Missed a few

You forgot Jade Helm. I'm still waiting for the invasion of Texas by the NWO and the start of arresting the brave patriots and interning them in WalMart. I have to admit being locked in a WalMart sounds like cruel and unusual punishment. ;-)

Saw a genius idea the other day. Some guy is selling bottles of liquid chemtrail. The bottle contains plain ordinary H2O, aka water. :-)

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Anyone invading any part of

Anyone invading any part of Texas other than Austin or parts of Houston is asking to stick their private parts in a blender. I wonder what genius came up with that idea, and if he died from smoking his intelligence booster too much.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

You missed it?

It was a big hairy deal for awhile this summer. If there weren't enough nuts in Texas already, a bunch came in from out-of-state to assist. It was a classic, the Army was doing operations training in southwest Texas. Of course that was just a cover story. At the right time they would swoop in and take over. A bunch of Walmarts had closed down there, those were where the people were to be taken after the government grabbed them. People reported seeing trains carrying FEMA vans to be used after the takeover to transport the prisoners. Tellingly they also saw trains with cars and trucks without any markings. Obviously they were to be used for surveillance.

It would have been funny except the nuts were walking around fully armed so they would be ready to repel the Army troops.

I won't even bother to pick apart the fairy tail, I'm sure you can do that for yourself.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Forgot that one.

Had to explain to a few people how common these "jade helm" type exercises are. and how ridiculous the conspiracy theories about it were. I managed to get through to a few people but there is always the ones that think your blind, or part of the conspiracy.... life would be a lot easier if I was a member of the hidden masters!

Nope, must have missed that

Nope, must have missed that one. I don't tend to see much news other than Reuthers and similar. I don't watch TV.

I stand by my statement, though. There might be able to be some takeover in West Texas, but it would quickly turn into a bloodbath as soon as word got out. Despite what some people here think, there are an enormous percentage of people here with all sorts of firearms who have never brought them out for anything but target practice. Many of those would boil out of the woodwork if their homes were threatened by a 'gummint' takeover of any kind (invasion from outside outside or inside the country)

Oh - did the nuts hurt anyone? I mean, it's perfectly legal to walk around with a rifle on your back. They aren't counted under the handgun laws where you have to have a license. (well, as it was explained to me, you can openly carry a handgun as well - unless a cop feels 'threatened', then he can arrest you for it. In other words, it was a sop)

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.


I'm well aware of the ferocity of the ranchers in Texas, they would put up resistance. However, if they are facing a modern army with automatic weapons, grenades, mortars, armored vehicles, tanks, aerial support, and the like, it would be really messy. The ranchers have fixed properties (ranches, towns, etc.) That makes them easier to track. They could mount a resistance operation, like the French did in WW2, but the French Resistance wasn't as effective as current stories say.

But considering how much resistance U.S. Army soldiers would put up to shooting fellow Americans, it might have been a rough go. That, I feel, was the #1 flaw in the scenario.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

It's really immaterial, but I

It's really immaterial, but I'd like to point out that automatic weapons are NOT as useful as the anti gun people seem to think they are. The main purpose of machine guns in WW-II, for example, wasn't to try to kill people. It was to make them keep their heads down. (My grandfather's MOS was demolitions. His job was to crawl up to machine gun nests, throw a grenade in, then jump in and kill anyone left alive, then disable the gun. Then crawl to the next one in line. Needless to say, he was rather messed up after coming back from the war.) Hand-held fully automatic weapons are notoriously difficult to keep on target, and limited magazine space. That's why M-16's have a three round 'burst'. Tanks are really only useful against vehicles and static emplacements. Mortars are useful against static emplacements as well. Aerial support is extremely unlikely for more than a few minutes, at least in Texas. (Texas Air National Guard would NOT be on the side of an invader)

The key to invading Texas would be, bluntly, to throw enough bodies in to overwhelm the defenders. You'd have to do it through South Texas, rather than West Texas, simply because trying to do a full invasion through a desert is a terrible idea. (I'm assuming the most likely invasion would be from Mexico). Arkansas would probably be just as difficult to fight through, same with Tennessee. Nobody would bother with Kansas, Oklahoma, or Nebraska, unless they just like miles and miles of miles and miles. Mind you, the same could be said of most of Texas south of I-10, and West of Sealy. (if I have to go to San Antonio, I drive the north route. I-10 is just... boring)

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

I'm surprised

Angharad's picture

no one mentioned Elvis eloping with Princess Di.Mind you we have people believing that the UK would be better out of the EU, the lunatics are running the asylums.
