This is Wrong

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I don't normally catch this sort of thing, but

Not sure if that is even going to work ... I don't even know the full story behind it, but she's facing supplementary charges for attempting to commit suicide while in custody. Please, someone with better Google-fu than I, at least check into it.


If you can't do the time

Don't do the crime. Treason, giving aid and comfort to the enemy, espionage, those are not crimes that are going to get you a lot of sympathy from the courts - military or civilian. Being TG doesn't have any bearing on what happened, and shouldn't figure into her defense or punishment.

Edit: Torture?

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.

yes it IS correct

Teresa L.'s picture

its an iffy thing. as far as i know in all states and territories it is a crime to attempt suicide. in the military, while you are in, you are technically "government property" so an attempt to commit suicide can also bring up that charge. i think she IS being persecuted, she should be allowed to serve her term, without the harassment, and if the military cant handle it, then transfer her to another authority . those in military confinement are STILL considered in the military, despite the lose of privileges and rights, and normally is not discharged until the completion of her sentence, if i recall my UCMJ correctly

Teresa L.

If the laws are similar to

Sammi's picture

those of the UK, the prosecutors could actually make charges of
Pre meditated murder/manslaughter
Assault with intent to cause bodily harm and variations.
after the fact
Attempted Murder In the First and variations there of.

The theory is that unlike a death in the heat of the moment, suicide even one as simple as jumping in front of a train takes a certain amount of planning and forethought which makes it a planned event.

No account is made by The Law that the Intended Victim and Perpetrator live in the same body.

It has only been in the last 50Years or so in the UK that People that have attempted suicide are offered medical attention and not prison sentences.

"REMEMBER, No matter where you go, There you are."

Sammi xxx