Crass Commerce for June, and a poll.

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Alright, so many people have been writing messages to me lately, expressing a minor disappointment that my stories and tales do not get updated more often. I can't really do much about that since I write many different tales at once... but I can do something.

I've resurrected my Patreon, as some of you may know. I've not had the chance to put everything I've written on it (Give me a break, I've written A LOT) but I've started. I've also added a poll.

That's right, a poll. A way to vote on what story gets updated next. I will reserve the right to bypass it if my muse is being uncooperative or I've already updated the same story 5 times in a row, but otherwise, people who are inclined can decide what I update.

Now the slightly bad news. I've also resurrected the Patreon and will be posting new chapters there first. Any chapter and story posted here will eventually continue here, but for example, that next chapter of Vagrants and the Room in Hell chapter behind it? It'll be there first.

Here is the link, if you need it:

Thank you for your time.



Patreon has become very popular over the last six months, and I understand why. However, and this does not apply to you, some of us just haven't the gelt to be able to make contributions to all the people we follow. So some of us are not able to enjoy and comment on some of the pages on dA and the like due to this paywall barrier. As I said above, this doesn't apply to you, you plan on making the updates available on BC at a later time. But if I only had a dollar a month barriers it would cost me better than $30 a month. Some of the patreon users set the barrier higher, some much higher than the buck a month tolls I mentioned.

So I have to wonder if some of these are just going to collapse under their own weight. One person on dA set their rate at $5/month, that started a ripple of people charging $5/month for their accounts. The end result was a steep decline in views for everybody, and could trigger inflationary price jumps. It's going to be interesting to see what the end result will be, "interesting" in a chinese curse way

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin


My Patreon rate, as it were, is at the minimum, one dollar. I fully understand not being able to pay it; how could I not? I can't afford it myself. Right now I'm literally doing all this just to be able to pay my internet bill, so I can keep posting. I'm fully committed to offering entertainment to people who can't pay, but the idea of the poll was too good to pass up.

As for other Patreon accounts, I wouldn't know about what motivates them.


If you appreciate my tales, please consider supporting me on Patreon so that I may continue:


I was not pointing at you in my comment. What I was addressing, and I see it a lot on dA, is people putting up Patreon accounts thinking the bucks will start rolling in. And are vocally upset when it doesn't happen. The well is only so deep, and will run dry sooner rather than later. Patreon seems to be the best option for artists these days, and it really sucks. Someone may in time create a system that will benefit both artist and audience. But in the meantime we are stuck with what is available. (sigh!)

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

I'm glad to be your supporter

I'm glad to be your supporter and look forward to more Room in Hell and Vagrants.

The last thing that you will never see.


Glad to have you, and be sure to vote... though if you're voting for Vagrants, it's kind of wasted, I'm already working on that one!


If you appreciate my tales, please consider supporting me on Patreon so that I may continue:

My choice is for a Room in

My choice is for a Room in Hell, though I'd like to see some new creations.

The last thing that you will never see.