Why Do I Read Stories on Big Closet?

A word from our sponsor:

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I read TG stories because they affirm my belief that there are a lot of people in the world who think somewhat like I do. I feel threatened by what I see as a less than compassionate attitude expressed by many in RL. The more I believe there are millions of TG people, the less I fear my own reality.

So why do I come to Big Closet for TG literature?

Years ago, before Al Gore created the internet, I would have to go to an adult book store to purchase TG stories. In those days you had to run a gauntlet of streetwalkers and hustlers, and then hold your nose against the strong ammonia smell that they used to swab out the booths. It was also quite expensive to purchase the extremely spotty writing.

Then I found Sandy Thomas’ pink books. To protect my closeted existence, I rented a post office box under a business name. Sandy’s books are okay, but the writing isn’t as good as many of the writers here, and between the PO Box and the cost of the books I was spending $750 to $1,000 a year.

In the 1990’s I found the transformation bulletin boards, which were quite limited in their content. After that I found various online TG sites. Big Closet soon became my favorite in that the writing was by far superior to other sites, and I didn’t feel like I needed a bath after sifting through the XXX and I stories to find something I wanted to read.

Beyond that, Big Closet offers a positive communal atmosphere. Erin has done a wonderful job establishing boundaries and promoting congeniality.

So . . . why am I writing this blog?

I gladly send Erin donations every month or so that I think equal the value I get from this site. My donations aren’t huge, but if they were matched by everyone else using this site, Erin would not have a problem meeting her monthly goals.

I realize a lot of people have almost no discretionary income. There have been times I’ve been tempted to suggest to Erin that she charge her users, but I know that goes against her grain and most community members who can’t afford a donation make up for it in other supportive ways.

I just wish Erin didn’t have to beg every month.

1.) She provides a very necessary service.
2.) She obviously works to make it as good as possible.
3.) BC does have a value for the user that should be reflected in a willingness to donate, according to ability.


I agree completely

dawnfyre's picture

With the support BC if you can financially, or in other ways if you have no discretionary funds. ( unfortunately,, I fall into the latter grouping. :( )

On your opening Paragraph:
I read TG stories because they affirm my belief that there are a lot of people in the world who think somewhat like I do.

Yup, there are a lot of people who think and feel somewhat like you do. I actually love the phrasing you used in that statement, since each person is unique it is very doubtful that anyone thinks / feels exactly like you do.

I feel threatened by what I see as a less than compassionate attitude expressed by many in RL.

Sadly another truth that is never countered in the mainstream media with positive information from those ares where the negative attitude is almost completely non-existent. I know I'm lucky in that I live in an area where the attitude is 90% positive and the negative part is limited to words, usually by teen-aged boys.

The more I believe there are millions of TG people, the less I fear my own reality.

We need to have community support in real life, not just online.

The hard part of that is so many of us fade away from the communities after we achieve our personal goals around transitioning, which leaves the rest feeling abandoned by those that have the most information that can help. ( I am not including those who disappear from death or hospitalization in the fade away, only those who hide in the mainstream society. )

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

I had a recurring donation

KristineRead's picture

I had a recurring donation set up, but I haven't seen it hit my bank account in a while, so I wonder if it expired. Thanks for prompting me, i'll have to check on that.

Despite the fact that I have not been on much for some time now, real life and all, I do still want to support this site, as I believe in all the things that Angela mentioned. (Hello my friend ... been too long, BTW.)



Updated --- I truly have not

KristineRead's picture

Updated --- I truly have not been around for a while, and did not realize the old Amazon payment method I was using was no longer working. Just re-upped to a quarterly recurring "subscription." Hope that helps.

Thanks Angela for posting this, as a nudge.

Hugs to all,


BCTS is always a part of me,

KristineRead's picture

BCTS is always a part of me, even when I'm away from it.

I think of everyone here often. For a while, connection to it was a problem, but that is mostly resolved, its got more to do with free time and lack there of. But I miss nights in the chat room especially and the friends there.

And I miss writing, and collaborating with you Angela on the stories you helped me with, and of course working with Joni W on
The Kelly Anderson Chronicles.

Someday, I'll be able to get back to it all.

In the meantime, whether I'm online here or not, I want to continue to support this site, as I agree it is hugely important.




Andrea Lena's picture

Angela nudged....I'm a noodge


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena


I feel there are many of us without discretionary funds. Further, I'd hazard a guess and say very few of us are either A: comfortable writing and/or sharing that writing, or B: very reliable at it if we do write. Personally, I'm a B on that one. I love writing and I'm perfectly comfortable sharing my writing, but I'm terrible at actually doing it reliably.

So for the majority of us, posts like this just make us feel shamed for not being able to contribute meaningfully to such a wonderful site. We know and agree with all of this stuff... Doesn't change our personal circumstances any.

Abigail Drew.

Not the Intent

I'm sorry you took the post that way. I grew up without money and may soon retire without money. I'm well aware of what that means.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

I started giving a donation

I started giving a donation to this site 5 months ago. Erin and company do wonders each day. If every reader gave $5 a month, our cup would run over.


If I were to guess

I believe that roughly 20 people probably contribute to about a quarter of the donation goals each month. There are still too many people who think the internet should be ''free' and don't understand that not all sites are supported by Big Money. If you find value, at least 5 bucks a month (not even a lunch these days! Equivalent to allowance money of a dollar when I was a kid in the sixties) is what one should be contributing.

It's really hard to believe that people can't find 5 dollars of value per month reading and using this site.


It would surprise me if the 80/20 rule didn't apply. In this case it can be assumed 80% of the donations come from 20% of those giving money. That probebly won;t change because it's human nature (bell curve). The goal needs to be a larger number of people donating.

BTW: I was the initial president of a non-profit that generated about $4M in charitable donations. We interviewed a professional fund-raiser who told the board that in any fund-raising venture the board should be prepared to donate 40% of the goal. We didn't hire that person.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Funny thing is, most of the stories don't appeal anymore

I have transitioned way too long ago to care about certain stories anymore. But the few interesting ones are what makes it worthwhile. Like you, I read the pink books and yellow books etc all those years ago. They cost a mint and I still have them. Recently I ran across them and kind of flipped through them and ya know what, they don't do anything for me anymore. I have grown enough to define who I am, that the POV those books represent just have no bearing anymore.

I would love to donate to BC

jacquimac's picture

I would love to donate to BC but being unemployed and having to live on my forces pension ( No State Aid) leaves me with nothing to spare. I would donate my stories but they aren't good enough though Erin is welcome to use them as she likes, one or two of the stories still remain unfinished but I am hoping to finish them eventualy.
Oh By the way the internet was not created buy Al Gore he was into climate change but by Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee OM KBE FRS FREng FRSA FBCS

Inventing the Internet

Nope, Tim Berners-Lee didn't invent the Internet.

I was using the Internet long before he got round to inventing the World Wide Web. The Internet goes way back to people like Vint Cerf.

And sometimes I wish the web hadn't been invented, but that's a rant for another day.


Stories on Bigcloset.

I can't donate money. At all. I put the starving in starving artist at the moment, even paying my internet bill is touch and go. So I post stories instead. :)


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