Cost of living

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Well, it had to happen. As a state employee my pay has been cut every year since this government took power, and I am now taking home less money than I was in 2011. At the same time, available housing here is quickly snapped up by the well-off for "buy to rent", and with no controls on said rents they charge what they like and bump it up each year simply because they can. Their costs aren't increasing, just their avarice. My landlord has just put up my rent again, and it now exceeds 40% of my income. Simply put, I can now only barely afford to live where I work despite service of some 35 years.

I have stopped using my heating, including hot water supplies. I haven't taken a proper holiday since 2014. I am cancelling all subscriptions to clubs and charities, including my union subs. Which brings me to the point. Costs in this country, due to government policy and the unrestrained greed of Megacorps, etc, are higher than almost anywhere else in the western world in both absolute terms and as a proportion of earnings. Our rail fares, for example, are the highest in Europe as a result of privatisation (even though they are now mainly owned by the nationalised rail companies of other countries). I can no longer afford a telephone or internet access. I will be cancelling both in the next few days, so goodbye and thanks to all here.


It is with shock and horror that I have read this

If there is anything I can do, anything at all, please PM me. I shall be over in the UK again in June - maybe you would let me come and buy you a meal at least???
I would, however, much rather you/we found some way for you to stay online, specifically here.
There MUST be some scheme we can come up with.

Please let me help


Please don't go

Rhona McCloud's picture

Only you know your circumstances and I left the UK in part because of rent rises but I sincerely hope you find a way through this. I have bought and enjoyed all of your Sussex Border Stories - perhaps other BC readers who are unaware of your published TG work as S. A. A. Calvert will consider buying some and help your purse.

Rhona McCloud

Amazon US Link

erin's picture

Here's the Amazon US link for the S.A.A Calvert books:


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Erin Ur a Sweetie !!!!

waif's picture

Thank you for the link, I already started making my purchases. I would also hope everyone will purchase Katie's books (especially if you read them on unlimited, as do I) so that you will always be able to read her works.


Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.

Cheaper premises

No, not an option, because the only 'cheaper premises' here would be a single unfurnished room with no facilities (certainly not a phone line), and the rent would simply keep increasing as my pay falls. This is the UK, where those that have money get tax breaks financed by cuts for the worse off.

An option?

BarbieLee's picture

I've never been to the U.K so I have no clue what is available to you. However I strongly suggest you use the net to research for support and options. With our governments in a headlong rush to crush everyone so they will beg for bailout and agree to the New World Order, it has become a slow death by inflation of cost of living to most.
The fifty cents an hour I worked for so many years back won't buy a coke now. However if one wants my skills now it costs a hundred dollars an hour. That is indicative of the cost of inflation, a heinous tax imposed on the masses who haven't a clue how the real world monetary system works or that our governments love inflation. Use the net and seek help and counseling for your needs. You aren't the first to be caught between that proverbial rock and hard place. I'm not trying to be cold or indifferent but you seem to be one of those who slowly got ground down while waiting for rescue to arrive.

Hon, the White Knights are mostly gone from our world. For survival we are on our own. We either find our own life raft or we slowly sink into desperation and oblivion. I've one suggestion which may or may not help in the short term. There is a web page-whatever called "Go Fund Me" which one of your friends can start in your name asking for donations for a specific purpose. I'm not saying lie but get creative. Posting, "I'm starving and being evicted" won't get much if any response. There are a million others like you posting something like that. A hell of a lot of them are from Africa and Middle East and nothing but scams. People have been snake bit too many times for all but the newbies to fall for another one. Your friend will have to get it blogging on twitter, youtube and a dozen other social sites to be effective. Posting on Go Fund Me and waiting doesn't work unless it gets some traction on the net. The site has a time limit so hustle is the name of the game.

Father, this child needs your guidance
I pray for you to send those who can help
In Jesus name I ask of this

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Keep writing

Even if you can't post, please keep on writing. One day in the future your circumstances will change and you may be able to rejoin this community - and others, of course.

I'm assuming you own your PC or laptop and can just keep on crafting bytes to add to your hard disk. One day it may be possible for this stored work to be released to those who have valued your work in the past.

Remember: This too shall pass.


From the tone

Podracer's picture

Of the post, I can see that you're feeling down on account of this. Your writing must be a big part of you, so I don't doubt that you will want to continue, is that right? I hope you do, and sometime find a way to share with the world, even if rarely here.
As for internet, how about the places with free wifi, libraries? Museums? Some city centres? Assuming a portable computer, or use of a library machine. Or how about a friend or fan uploading your words from a file on a memory stick? Lots of those folk on here! If nothing else, if you cut out the web and phone please let someone let us know that you are still kicking and pedalling from time to time, the place wouldn't be the same without you.
Plenty of us are, or have been in financial straits, so can imagine the struggle. Yeah, been there but better at the moment. If you do cast off for now, take care until we connect up again.

"Reach for the sun."

That sucks

It reminds me of 35 years ago when I was with British Leyland and I was approaching the same options, I lucked out when Uncle Henri was expanding his diesel car presence and I was able to transfer with a 50% rise. Not available to all I know, and I sympathise about where to spend the spare penny. Please remember that most libraries these days offer free wi-fi and internet, you only need to be a member, and you may only get a 1 hr slot at a time, but you can stay in touch. Which branch of the government are you with? perhaps letters to MP's may cause some rethinks. I do believe we need a return of the old rent tribunal boards, and max rents for 'normal' housing.


waif's picture

I just purchased the first two in your series. I am appalled that there are 8 books in the series, but I have never had them pop up when I search for Transgender fiction on Amazon. How is it possible for them not to link at least one of your works to my search?????


Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.


waif's picture

I just read the synopsis of book 3 in the series and bought it. I mean, come on... biker chicks and rock music??????

Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.

Things have got worse recently ...

... especially for those working in the public sector and who are living in private accommodation in one of the most expensive parts of the country. It is a disgrace that somebody working should not be able to earn enough to cover their basic living costs whilst the rich do their utmost to evade taxes. However. having just come back from four weeks travelling down the east coast of the USA I was shocked at just how many unemployed or homeless people, beggars and those with untreated health issues that I came across. We do at least still have some safety nets in the UK.

Thanks all

For your kindness. This being the sort of place it is, several have offered me funds but, in the nicest possible way, no thank you. I don't do 'charity' except as a donor. I spent two days weeping and, to be blunt, contemplating, well, you know. Still in a bad place, but I've fought through worse. I will get there.


waif's picture

Just remember, if you can remember a single happy moment in your life, you always have the potential to find it again. I know that platitudes are not much comfort, but you have obviously inspired others and you need to hold onto anything positive until this storm passes.

Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.

Change of plan

I have friends, and the delight of a good friend is that you never find out exactly how good they are as they keep surprising you. One stepped in as I was falling apart, and found me a new phone/net package that is saving me £30 a month. It's a start, and more than that it was a timely intervention when my PTSD and clinical depression were building up a nice troika with my GD. At times like that, I can see nothing but darkness, but Chris (he never comes here) understands me and, like the malfunctioning CRT TV he knows exactly where a little tap can clear up the picture.

Still not good, but far, far better, and I now know I can cope for another year. One of you told me not to try and save the world on my own, and while that is indeed beyond me, I have made a start on myself. And thank you all.

Good news - I was worried.

This does not obviate the still open offer of a dinner or lunch when I am over there.

All the very 'bestest of bests'


I must say...

Andrea Lena's picture

as selfish as I am about reading your brilliant work, dear heart, I am so glad that you can continue to look out through that window on the world. Your writing is the sum of much of what you have seen and experienced, but remains but a part of the better whole of WHOM you are. Thank you for being at least this part of my life for which I consider myself to be supremely blessed!!!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

all I can say is

Maddy Bell's picture

Only 40%? My rent and Council tax between them snaffle up well over 50 percent of my income and let me tell you, my income is much less than anyone working for the State. Indeed now I am effectively a self employed writer as my job went in February so there is no security with my income now.
I don't drive, have a TV, have internet at home, smoke anything or drink very often yet I survive along with millions of others. So okay there is stuff I can't afford to do that i'd like to but that doesn't mean i'm a hermit.
Make those books work for you, market them, talk about them, get others talking about them.
Don't blame everyone else, it gets you knowhere, do something about it! Sorry if this sounds harsh but cutting yourself off from the world is not a positive life choice.



Madeline Anafrid Bell