The Transgender Murder Crisis

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I've run across some articles that may be of interest to everybody. Apparently this last year saw a record number of murders of transgender people.

The Transgender Murder Crisis: Why Were There So Many Killings in 2015?


What is disturbing as well

Andrea Lena's picture

is how all too many people want to minimize this horrible trend or minimize the loss of life itself. Thanks for posting this!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

I've blogged on this

Angharad's picture

several times over the past couple of years. It's partly because more TG people are emerging and younger, then finding for people of colour, being transgender is one step too far. That so many of them are having to work the streets because there is little or no employment for them means they're going to be at risk. As the report says they need housing and employment and legislation to back it up.

Sadly the trend seems to be worldwide.


Reporting bias

My guess is that the biggest change is that more people are collecting the statistics. I'm convinced that even now most murders of TG people don't end up in lists of murdered TG people. If they're poor (esp. if they're in sex work), they simply vanish, leaving nothing but a line in the police blotter and a tag at the morgue, because who cares about them, anyway? And if they're well-to-do, the fact that they're TG is suppressed, since the family would just as soon not have their family's "shame" exposed.

There's a similar problem investigating murders of prostitutes -- in most cases, their families refuse to admit any connection, and their friends are mostly other prostitutes who have zero influence.

God may care even about a sparrow who falls, but human beings seem to only care when it's the "right kind" of people.


I totally agree with your conclusion

Teresa L.'s picture

I have long thought it is the same for the Suicide rate as well. especially for those who succeed. either the family hides the note, or never mentions their "peculiarity" etc so they are counted as "unknown" or just "depression" vs trans. the realization, if correct, would mean it is even HIGHER than the already astronomic statistic that is now being bandied about is just plain scary.

Teresa L.