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I just wish to say thanks to all the authors whom have shed light on my world in the form of entertainment. My life seems so bleak and hopeless at times, i.e. today, and it is such a wonderful thing to be able to escape into a good story and forget the depression and hopelessness. I am reminded of doing the same as a child/teenager because the story always ended in the positive. I know mine won't and today I just don't care!!

I have to wonder why? Why do I even try anymore. My family has tossed me aside, my friends just say words of platitude to fob me off, the love of my life is 5000+ miles away and no matter what I do I can't get to see her. Why try?



GypsyWoman's picture

I was once where you are. I was in the Darkness but then I found something to live for, Me! Take care of yourself and others will come. Maybe not right away but they will. Try and be just for being. It sounds hard to do but it worked for me

Blessings of love and hugs

Kat H

Live for youself.

If everyone is treating you badly, just have nothing to do with them, and live for yourself. Do something that you enjoy. Trying writing. That can be fun.

The grumpies

Rhona McCloud's picture

Those who have the easiest of lives are those most prone to becoming grumpy old men and women. A hard life may at times drive us to despair but it will also offer joys the grumpies will never know.
I agree with the suggestion to try writing. Those who have loved have a story to tell.

Rhona McCloud


Podracer's picture

One thing that let the black dog bite me many years ago was the thought that I was the only one who felt like that, and the entire world was separate and opposed. I really believed that it was just me, and nobody else. It was of course not true, I was not the only one in the world and there are others, uncounted multitudes in the same boat which perversely is less likely to sink the more aboard. I'm glad you have found this site and know you this, there are readers and authors here who can empathise.

"Reach for the sun."