Velocipede failure

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Sorry folks got home so late from work tonight that I don't have time to scribble the next episode of Bike - hence the title of the blog. Still, that'll give some of the other authors a chance. Hopefully, things will be back to normal (whatever that is) tomorrow.

Of course you could always have an early night...


Angharad & Bonzi & Whizz.



No early night for me. I have to be at work by 11pm EST tonight. :(

Sorry no bike

Dahlia's picture

I'm not devastated because I'm re-reading your Crossing The Line series. I told you I might, and I'm enjoying it all over again. Hope Cathy and family are back soon though.

Thanks again for the time you put into entertaining me and everyone else.


The penny-farthing fell over?

The penny-farthing fell over?

Skirt caught in the spokes?

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Your Comment Makes It Sound Like A Train Problem !

Sorry Dr Sam, but your pun makes it sound like it is not a Bike but rather a Railway Train we are dealing with - you know, one of those ought-to-be-obsolete, primitive machines that a certain kind of boy plays with models of; an ancient mode of travel that some slightly more grown-up little boys, in places like the House of Clowns or the Senate (after the Seniles that sit there!) seem to want to preserve, and try to force travellers to use still, despite the sad fact that they never go from where one actually is to where one wants to get to, and never ever go at a time one would like to have travelled, and that charge far too much for a fare, and often don't even provide a seat so the passenger has to stand the whole way, despite the ridiculous fare charged.


That's because people no

That's because people no longer want to live or work close to the rail station. Instead, they want to be as far away from the noise as possible. That way, they can complain about how it doesn't work for what they want, and why don't they put them closer?

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.