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To everyone who has read, commented and voted for the latest Gaby chapter - the response has been amazing!
I hope you enjoy the following scribbles just as much.



Gaby 12

shiraz's picture

Yep, I read it & enjoyed it. I enjoyed it so much I dug out the kindle copy I'd bought and started reading from Chapter 2. Reached page 362 "Roskilde" last night and not stopping now 'til the end!

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Paperback cover Boat That Frocked.png

it might be sad

Maddy Bell's picture

But I enjoy reading it too - one reason it can take me a while to write new chapters particularly when I have to hunt through old chapters for names etc!
Glad you enjoy it so


Madeline Anafrid Bell

Culture Clash

shiraz's picture

Oh dear. I'm a third of the way through Culture Clash now!

What's really a problem is that I don't write when I get engrossed in a story so UG3 Chapter 17 is about half done until I can put down Culture Clash
Shiraz sig

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Paperback cover Boat That Frocked.png

I have developed a habit or regulary re-reading the whole series

D. Eden's picture

As I truly enjoy it soooo much! To date, I have purchased all of the series on Kindle, and I am working my way through some of the fan-fic as well.

Any idea when we can expect the next book? After all, I've been sitting in that damned plane with Gaby, her family, and the rest of the team for a looooonnnnnggggg time now! We must be circling the airport - stuck in the holding pattern I guess. Air traffic delays and all, you know?


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Poor Manda

she will be having kittens by now then :)


dawnfyre's picture

when I start needing a Gaby fix I go and spend 2 days reading everything on your site.

think I have read it all 4 times now.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

I could not agree more with the others

I too own all of the Gaby series. I've loved Gaby the whole way through. I don't tend to read fanfics. Bad me. I just prefer the original author's, your handling of the characters I hold dear. I love the Nena series as well. Anyway keep up the good work Hun.


Yes, I've read the whole thing several times already

It tends to be comfort reading now.

The first time I read the series, I stayed up until 5am to finish it.

I have all the books in hard copy from Lulu, plus the electronic versions from amazon and lulu.

I also love PB's alternate version of what happened in America. I think he answered a lot of questions that I had about that period.

I have to say that Manda doesn't come off too well in the America part of the story and later on.

I hope Gaby can settle her anxiety about the gender stuff coming up. She seems so tense about it now. In PB's stuff, she seemed happier about it.