So you want to pass... Pay close attention

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So you want to pass. You might want to be sure you're up to the task, and well informed about

15 Inconviences Of Being A Woman Men Will Never Understand.

If you can't identify with at least half the list you may be hopeless. I'm more or less rolling on the floor laughing myself senseless. Some of them hit quite close to home, others you can only dream of...

Hugs, Love and Blessings ya'all

This is supposed to be a tongue in cheek, humorous Blog. Don't take it too seriously!


Being the only woman in the bar watching a game?

Every woman knows of a gazillion better things to be doing with her time.
The list start with Shopping and ends with ... Shopping but can include getting your hair/nails done.

Watching a game is so much a waste of time. {especially in american sports where nothing ever seems to happen apart from the TV Anchor saying, and now for some messages from our sponsors}

As for the Toilet Paper thing... That one I can agree with. There is always at least one unused roll in my toilet.
Men seem to think that it has only one use. Well who are we to tell them that there are a lot more?

Oh p-lease

Not every woman thinks that sports are a waste of time, not every woman thinks that shopping is the best thing ever.


You can't choose your relatives but you can choose your family.

Being the "ONLY" woman.

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

Doesn't the starting premise mean its is something most women don't experience?

From the title I was expecting some sort of practical tips, not another silly web list, most of which seem only half thought out. OK, so most of these mostly make sense, I guess.

Quite few guys do wear necklaces as guys, and quite few women do not. Although its is more common for women too and the variety is less for men. That one at leaasr does not seem to be an absolute to me.



>> So you want to pass. <<

Practice, practice, practice. Mistakes are more easily ignored if you look more like an average womyn who's dressed nicely, but not over the top or dressed for the wrong venue. Work on everything as much as possible.

A battle plan never survives the first contact with the enemy. Don't be too rigid, go with the flow and stay calm. Also, figure out who the enemy is; remember, unless you're in a gay Mecca, non-lbgt, etc. guys are most apt to be clueless.

Don't imitate Trans-fictional characters (too much). Expect life to be messy; a story can't cover life second by second, step by step.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,


Ragtime Rachel's picture

Substitute "disposable adult diaper" for "tampon", and you have the situation I could easily find myself in if I visit someone who isn't close to home. (Fortunately, that hasn't come up yet). So I can sorta relate--if anything, a diaper is worse, if only because of its size. I suppose if I had to be at a friend's house for longer than an hour or two, I'd bring a large Ziploc bag and take the soiled garment home with me.

I can definitely relate to the short-skirt one--I've been criticized for wearing "skorts" that were too short, even though they revealed nothing.

One thing the site didn't mention is that women in wheelchairs have a problem even able-bodied women can't relate to: we can't wear skirts above the knee because we reveal too much. (At least CP folks like me who have trouble keeping their legs together). But a skirt can't be too long, either, because it gets caught in the chair's wheels. Do you how hard it is to find a skirt that hits that sweet spot between the knee and the middle of the shin?

I can't tell you how many delicate skirts and dresses my wheels have destroyed--even if I can free them intact, I usually have to contend with a huge tread mark across the front until I can go home and change.

I wouldn't feel "on display" in a gym, because I'd likely wear very shapeless sweats. But I would be subjected to insensitive comments because of my weight (195 lb. on a 5'6" body) as would any overweight woman--trans or not.

But boy oh boy, do I relate to the underwire bra one! It's such a thrill to be poked in the armpit every time I turn sideways. I decided to dispense with them altogether--nothing I've got requires such a heavily cantilevered superstructure.

Of course, I should also mention that the sports bars here have as many women as men, because Green Bay Packers fandom takes on the status of a religion in this state. It doesn't discriminate.

Livin' A Ragtime Life,
