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Captain Marvel

Took the little one, okay well she isn't that little any more so let's say youngest, To go see Captain Marvel this afternoon at the theater.

With few exceptions, I've enjoyed most all the Marvel Comic movies although I have to say I think Captain Marvel is the best movie they have done so far for story line. Of course the graphics are exceptional as always.

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Looking for a roomie.......

It’s been a while since I posted here, probably because my life has been fairly stable and reasonably happy for some time. But like all good things, it didn’t last. I know I should have expected it, but I guess I became too comfortable. I became complacent in my comfortable existence and allowed myself to be taken by surprise.

Well, shortly after going to bed tonight, my lovely wife dropped the boom on me.

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It’s a boy! It’s a girl! For some parents, learning their baby’s sex is a disappointment


Are gender reveal parties the new baby shower? Here's what you need to know

Many expecting parents are now discovering the sex of their child through the new trend of gender reveal parties. Here's how they're planned.

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Just a moment to be thankful

I just got out of bed this Thankgiving morning. We've had a busy week, and today will be no exception. It would be easy to complain about all the work and all the fuss, the traffic everything else that this season brings. But you know, I'm here in a warm house that I co-own with the bank; out front there's a reliable car, my refrigerator is full of food, so much so it was a chore to find room for the Thanksgiving turkey prior to roasting.

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My day off

I sit here in my recliner on a peaceful Monday morning secure in my home surrounded by family as I ponder why it is I'm not at work.

I grew up in the Vietnam era. My one and only brush with the law happened when I was 17 and I was still on probation when I registered for the draft. As a result, I was classified 1Y. I was never called to serve, as a matter of fact, when I tried to enlist, first in the Navy and then the Army, they both decided to give me a pass for the same reason.

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Not sure if anyone saw this

The Day My Dad Kicked Me Out For Being Gay Changed My Life Forever

I'm not sure if anyone saw this article on Huffington Post when it appeared in June, but here is the link to the article:


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Madeline rides again!

I've now got my head a bit sorted and the time to post more than a couple of sentences.

Where to start? I've given little snippets about my recent trip to Germania but not much real insight. The more nerdy readers may recall that the main focus of the road trip was to ride the Eddy Merckx Classic event in the Salzkammergut east of Salzburg. It was a significant step on my recovery from last year's medical issues and on that score it was certainly revealing.

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Hopefully this will brighten y’all’s day...

Just wanted to share something funny that happened to me early this morning, now I will admit at the time I was not amused in the least, but afterwards... It’s pretty funny.

My exciting adventure that happened this morning... At 3 flipping AM... Taz, the cat, decided that he desperately wanted to get up on the counter in the bathroom... We leave the toilet lid up and the seat down...

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Writing with my minions help. (Funny)

So... This conversation happened with my eighteen year old earlier... I was discussing my current story that I’m writing and with me writing a teen romance type story who better to bounce my ideas off of than a teen... I was telling her about a future scene that I am planning and once I was finished she actually shivered and went, ‘awwwww’... Then she fussed, “Dang it Dad! (I’m still dad to them, thats okay with me) That gave me chill bumps!!! Now I need to shave my legs again, I hate you!!!” By the way, her ‘hating’ me was said with her laughing while rubbing the bumps on her legs...

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Still not believing this happened.

I just wanted to share...Especially after the last six years since I ‘came out’ and started my transition. For over two years I had almost no contact with my children, but after a long fight I regained custody of my two oldest... Starting with my oldest two and a half years ago, then my middle last year... They both had been struggling with a parent who was never there (Not me I wasn’t allowed to be there), and had basically been raising themselves. They both moved down here with me struggling to maintain a 2.4 and 2.1 GPA...

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Thought some here would get a kick out of this

So the backstory of this is I play several stringed instruments, I'm an amateur although I was taught by some well known (older) names in the Country and Bluegrass genre of music and in years past have been in some jam sessions with some very respected names in those genres.

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One thing after another

So, there I was, on a roll after getting the last two chapters of What Milsy Did out in a reasonable time. I'm heading off into the next, crucial chapter, and with about 5,500 words written, a never-ending and seemingly random series of unexpected happenings has derailed me almost completely.

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The Aftermath

So most everyone has gone home and the dust is starting to settle. We've not gone on the Honey Moon yet (that's in just under 2 weeks) but we are starting to find our slightly new routine.

For those that don't know, last Saturday (October 28th, 2017) CapturedByThePast and I officially (in both the eyes of the Church, and the state of NJ) tied the knot. It wasn't a big wedding or reception but for the most part, the people who mattered most to us were there.

The bills are paid, and for Amy (capturedbythepast) has started signing things with her new name.

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Endless distractions

I finally managed to put up What Milsy Did #26 and that means it is time for yet another apology.

It's all Real Life, of course. I won't bore you with everything that has hit me but let me just say that some of it is coming from the generation before and some from the generation after.

In addition the meds I have been on since 2013 are tapering off and it is exposing underlying problems. These are making me real tired and there are lots of things that could occupy what available time I have. Writing, regrettably, is only one of those things.

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The Family Girl #085: Napa Valley Forest Fires


The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #85: 2017 Napa Valley Forest Fires

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl
click on this link:

Hello, everyone. I’m sure you’ve been hearing about all the forest fires happening in the States.

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Had a huge victory last week.

I've been kind of MIA for the past month or so, haven't had time to do hardly anything but work, take care of my oldest daughter and prepare for my custody hearing last week. As I had mentioned in a previous blog, I was divorced three years ago from a 15 year marriage with three daughters. Due to my circumstances (transitioning and court being held in Mississippi) my life has been hell. Quite literally hell.. On the initial separation my ex had gotten angry, extremely angry and for almost two years I had almost no contact with my daughters.

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Men, I honour

So easy
To give in
To hate.

In letting
Anger rule me
Against all men.

Most of my abusers/bullies
Were born
Of this gender.

And yet
Tomorrow is
Father's Day.

As I honour
My opa* and dad.

Two men
Who's love
Have helped me.

And shoulders
I have cried

Willing to do
Almost anything
To protect me.

Whose deaths
Have marked
Transitional moments
In my life.

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AUTISM: Walk For A Difference

Hi Everyone! I posted about helping us, and helping NinjaBaby via the POAC - Autism: Walk For A Difference already once, but with the walk only a few days away I thought I would post again.

And for those of you that are reading this after saturday (should you show up late to the party) It's NEVER too late to donate, even if the walk is over contact me and I will give you information for how to donate to POAC directly (not via our walk page). Every little bit helps (just like at BigCloset).

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Samantha will be having breast reduction surgery

I spent the day running Sharon and Samantha around and it ended with some important news.

It looks like Sam is going for breast reduction surgery probably late this year or early next year. Her back will thank her when she's older, but I'm gonna be a touch worried about her going under the knife anyway.

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Suffered a huge loss.

I just found out earlier today that one of the greatest men I have ever known passed away. Technically he was my Step-Dad, but honestly he was so, so much more to me than that. He was the man that stepped in and stepped up to being my 2nd Dad after my own passed away when I was 7. He was the one that taught me to be the kind of person I wanted to be. Someone who stands up for what they believe, to stand up and support your friends and family. The person that taught me to always do the right thing, not just when people are watching, but especially when people aren't.

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Very cool conversation with my 17y.o.

Last Friday night I was talking with my Daughter and her plans to go to her Junior/Senior Prom at the end of the school year. She isn't dating and was wanting to take her best friend, who is a freshman, as her "date". Her friend I guess you could say for all practical purposes is my niece, her parents have become part of my "chosen" family since my real family mostly abandoned me once I started my transition.

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Saftey, always remember to take precautions.

It is with members of the Site mentioning the Apollo 1 Accident that reminds me of how important the little things we do for safety in our daily live can be.

The Simple step of Putting on your Seat belt every time you get in a moving Vehicle is the big one to me.

I have been in 3 major car accidents in my life 2 behind the wheel my self.

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Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight.

Family sharing requires that we have our family Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve this year, so my daughter and son-in-law can visit his parents in Lincoln City on Christmas. So we are busy this morning getting the dinner ready for this afternoon.

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The reason for my break is mostly over.

I just wanted to let those who were following my story, and some who were upset for the break, what was going on. i didn't want to say anything before hand, maybe I was afraid to jinx anything or maybe I was just afraid to mention it who knows. They psyche is pretty twisted on the best of days.

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About me, and Hi there

I just wanted to drop a note introducing myself, I looked for somewhere to put it linking it to my author page and couldn't find a place for it. It might be just my unfamiliarity being new here, or it might be a function I can't access from my Ipad. I have my oldest two daughters here with me now for thanksgiving week, so getting access to my Computer is slim to none, so I'm using what I have available. Heehee. Anyway as I said I am new here and wanted to introduce myself.

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A visit from Matthew- Update

We got through the night. Power was out for 3 hours but it is back. Other than some debris, there is no obvious damage to where we live. We'll begin calling friends soon to see if they're all right too.


I live in central Palm Beach County and we're already getting brushed by the Hurricane. We have power and internet but for how much longer is anyone's guess.

A fire station is a very short walk (.2 miles) from where i live. Power might be restored fast. My family made a small move in 2015. After Wilma in 2005, it was 11 days before our power was restored.

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Girly glasses, girly shoes and an expanding ponytail holder.

In a comment to my blog, "Acceptable shoes" someone accused me of pushing the envelope and I freely admitted doing so. The "push the envelope" bug has bitten me again.

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Mellowed with age...

Over the past couple of decades, I've been weeding the men's clothes out of my wardrobe. First went the underwear, then little by little the outer wear was replaced with items from the women's rack. At the present time, I only have one outfit that is strictly men's clothes. I'm hanging on to that as I, twice a year, go drab for my wife. Once on her birthday and again on our anniversary.

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Outwardly Perfect

We (Amy and Liam and I) have spent a wonderful week with a friend. A friend who came down to help just in case Amy was "laid up" after her surgery.

Amy's surgery went fine, recovery has been excellent and as a result we've manage to be out and about doing things most days.

We've been to flea markets, friends houses, the condo pool, and even had friends over for hot dogs and conversation, twice in fact.

It's been a wonderful week, a great Memorial Day weekend, even if we didn't really plan it that way.


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Cuteness overload

When the human world gets to be too much for me (which is most of the time, these days), I watch this:


Twenty minutes of pure bliss and contentment. Not a word is spoken, and yet they manage to say it all. If only I’d had parents like these? When my father gave me a licking, it never looked like this. If mom had this sort of patience and affection?

My eternal thanks to the clever folks who write video download software… :}

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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I feel like an idiot :(

For all the women on here, let's hope you don't do what I did in the shower this morning..... I've neglected shaving my legs for a while and my legs were "moderately" hairy. I get done with one leg no problem but about halfway through the second one I cut myself with the razor and it hurt like hell(keep in mind that I had never cut myself with the razor before this morning). My boyfriend was cracking up when I came out of the bathroom with a bandage on my leg saying "Looks like someone got a bit messy I see?"

I hope I don't have to deal with that again.......

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A personal account of the son of a transparent

We don't often hear the other side of the coin, here is one person's take on it. Joshua's dad decided to become a woman and his story, in retrospect, of how he felt about it. A very interesting piece.


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